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Opinion: The Great Reset

November 23, 20203368 view(s)

For a few weeks now, the term “the great reset” has been trending on Twitter and other social media platforms. Dismissed by many as a conspiracy theory, there are several books written on the subject and many mentions of this term by world leaders from across the globe. So what is it?

On June 3, 2020, as a consequence of the ‘global health crisis,’ the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Geneva announced a “unique twin summit” for January 2021 in Davos, Switzerland. The theme should be “The Great Reset. The WEF defines “Great Reset” as “a commitment to jointly and urgently create the foundation of our economic and social system for a fairer, more sustainable and resilient future.” World leaders from government, business, and civil society will be invited. In a dialogue conducted by the younger generation, they are to be virtually linked with “stakeholders” worldwide. These are individuals and interest groups with a network in 400 cities around the world that have legitimate interest in the course and outcome of the summit. All announcements sound “promising and promise a bright future.” The WEF press release continues: “The announcement of the ‘Great New Start’ was made by Prince Charles and Professor Klaus Schwab during a virtual meeting, followed by statements by UN Secretary General António Guterres and IMF Executive Director Kristalina Georgieva.

The Great Reset sounds really great right? Well it may be not so great for the 99 percent of human beings who don’t actually stand to benefit from it. Get ready ladies and gentleman; big financial changes are a coming!

Ironically, in 2002, Prince Charles was deemed “savior of the world” for his work in third world countries with respects to global warming. Kristalina Georgieva has also recently said that “We will have a chance to address some persistent problems – low productivity, slow growth, high inequalities, a looming climate crisis…We can do better than build back the pre-pandemic world – we can build forward to a world that is more resilient, sustainable and inclusive.” This sounds a lot like Joe Biden’s Jobs and Economic Recovery Plan. ‘Build Back Better’ is the slogan of the Great Reset and the man who invented it is Klaus Schwab. Klaus Schwab is attempting to use the coronavirus crisis as an “opportunity” to do a series of things that were unthinkable and virtually impossible just a few months ago.

David Rockefeller, who was a big financial contributor to the United Nation’s Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance, which helped them to obtain 5 trillion dollars under management to help the world convert to carbon neutrality, had a famous quote before his death. He said on September 23 1994, at the UN, “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order.” The Great Reset seems to be nothing more than the term “new world order” rephrased for today. Is COVID-19 the major crisis they’ve been waiting for?

World leaders have been talking about this for years. Richard Nixon, who took us off the Gold Standard in 1971, said the following year in Hangzhou China, that “Each of us has the hope to build a New World Order.” George W.H. Bush said “It’s a big idea, a new world order” to congress in 1991. Henry Kissinger addressed the UN General Assembly in 1975 and said, “Let us fashion together a new world order.” Adolph Hitler said that “National Socialism will use its own revolution for establishing a new world order.” Joe Biden wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal in April 1992, while serving as senator, entitled “How I Learned to Love the New World Order” and then said as vice president in a speech on April 5, 2013, “The affirmative task before us is to create a new world order.” This year in June, Fed Chief Jerome Powell suggested “…the lack of jobs would be rooted in the reality that companies were unable to survive the pandemic or the role no longer exists in the new world order.”

Looks to me that The Great Reset; the New World Order and Build Back Better initiatives seem to be nothing more than corporate socialism by different names.

Are you really just going to sit there and “wait and see what happens?” DON’T!

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This article expresses the viewpoints of one of our precious metals specialists, based on recent news reports and opinion-based analysis of the situation. This information should in no way be taken as professional investment advice. As always, we encourage you to talk to your financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

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byNathan Lewis, Op-Ed Contributor
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