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2022 1oz Gold Pegasos Ultra High Relief Antique Finish Coin


Availability: Accepting Orders
By using enhanced smartminting® technology, this coin combines the ancient design with a ultra high relief. It is a modern twist on a numismatic legend.




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Coin Highlights: 

  • 2022
  • The Cook Islands
  • $250 face value
  • 1oz 
  • 30mm 
  • Mintage: 199
  • Antique Finish

Pegasus, or Pegasos as he was called by the Greeks, was a winged horse, born from the liaison of the sea-god Poseidon and the beautiful Medusa. It is one of the most recognized creatures in Greek mythology. The liaison made the goddess Athena angry, and she cursed Medusa to be ugly and deadly. When she was killed, Pegasus sprang from her neck. Thus the flying horse can be used as a metaphor for the soul’s immortality. In modern times it has been regarded as a symbol of poetic inspiration. Namely, just like Poseidon, Pegasus was capable of creating water streams wherever he’d struck his hoof. At least two famous springs in Greece, both named Hippocrene (“Horse Spring”), were widely believed to have been issued forth by Pegasus’ hoof.

Corinth was a rich and quite powerful ancient city and seaport on the narrow isthmus that joins the Peloponnesos with the rest of Greece. Like most Hellenic city-states, Corinth produced its own distinctive coins. Pegasos appears on many coins of them and is one of the most important and known ancient coins.

By using the possibilities of the enhanced smartminting® technology this coin combines the ancient design e.g. the uneven rim with a stunning ultra- high relief. It is a worthy and eye catching modern twist of a numismatic legend.

So do not hesitate too long and let the horse fly away!

Face Value$250
Mint Or RefineryCIT | Coin Invest Trust
Metal TypeGold
Mordern Or HistoricalModern
Metal Weight1 troy oz
Product BrandCIT | Coin Invest Trust
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